Personal Injury

person in a wheelchair

Spinal cord rehabilitation programmes need to be at the heart of a patient’s recovery plan to help them overcome everyday challenges

There are an estimated 50,000 people in the UK living with a spinal cord injury and each year around 2,500 people are newly injured. Spinal injuries can have a significant impact on an individual’s life. Trauma often causes some degree of paralysis which can require life-long care, support and rehabilitation. Spinal cord injuries can be caused […]

3 min read time
Man cycling

How changes to The Highway Code might affect cycling accident claims

New Highway Code rules could make cycling accident claims more straightforward. When a cyclist is involved in a fatal or serious accident with another vehicle the most common contributory factor given is: ‘driver or rider failed to look properly.’ Following a cycling accident a claimant must successfully prove who was responsible for the accident, something […]

6 min read time
E scooters

E-scooter accidents – what are my compensation rights?

E-scooters are becoming an increasingly popular way to get around, not just in the UK, but around the world. They’re certainly cheaper than running a car and you get to avoid traffic jams. But as more people use them on our roads, cycle lanes, and illegally on pavements, the number of accidents involving electric scooters […]

5 min read time
E scooters

Why further regulation on the use of e-scooters is needed to protect the public

E-scooters are becoming increasingly popular, and with good enough reason. It has been no secret that governments all around the world are making considered efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and go green. In the UK in 2016, it was estimated that transport was the second largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, contributing 1.82 tonnes […]

5 min read time
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