Our client Megan Royle, of Beverley, East Yorkshire, lived for two years with a cancer diagnosis – undergoing nine cycles of treatment and requiring egg preservation due to treatment posing a risk to her fertility – to then be told she’d been wrongly diagnosed and had never had cancer at all.
Megan was referred for a dermatology review at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital by her GP in September 2019 after explaining that a mole, which she’d had on her upper right arm for some time, had recently increased in size, become itchy and had scabbed.
A biopsy was carried out and reviewed and Megan, who was 29 at the time, was told melanoma – a type of skin cancer – had been identified.
She was then referred to the specialist cancer unit at The Royal Marsden Hospital. Her biopsy was reviewed and, again, Megan was told that this confirmed a melanoma.
She was recommended, and subsequently underwent, a 2cm wide local excision of tissue to remove the cancer and told she required adjuvant treatment, which she was warned could impact on her fertility, and was so advised to have egg preservation.
Following nine treatment cycles, between February 2020 and May 2021, she was told there was no sign of the disease and placed onto a three-monthly review programme, which was transferred to another Trust when she moved back up north, having been unable to work in her theatre-based role throughout the pandemic.
It was then, when the new Trust reviewed her file and scans, that it was discovered that a mistake had been made.
Read Megan’s story: Woman told she’d been wrongly diagnosed with cancer after completing treatment and undergoing an egg preservation procedure
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