Group Actions
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Public Inquiry Representation

Stories of loss, sacrifice and irreparable damage are highlighting how Post Office dehumanised Sub-postmasters in pursuit of profits

harjinder tuboy sub postmaster concept group actions post office horizon client
dr neil hudgell hudgell solicitors

Dr Neil Hudgell

Executive Chairman

3 min read time
21 Feb 2022

It is impossible not to have been moved by the stories of human impact during the first week of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry.

I say that as a solicitor who has had the privilege of being part of the legal team representing such an honourable group of people over the last three years. Even now, having known them so long, each time they tell their stories, something new comes out.

During its first week the Statutory Inquiry heard from 11 clients of Hudgell Solicitors, detailing just some of the effects of the Post Office’s actions over the past 20 years. I am sure everyone will have their own takeaways from that evidence. They have been stories which have been upsetting to listen to, difficult to watch being told, and almost impossible to forget.

Some of brave experiences shared by our clients that stick out in my mind include;

  • Gillian Howard driving to a viaduct and considering taking her own life
  • Janine Powell leaving her 10-year-old daughter with a friend when she went to prison
  • Harjinder Butoy losing six stones in prison and Noel Thomas losing four stones during his sentence
  • Lisa Brennan going without food to feed her baby and living off Salvation Army handouts
  • David Graham losing his benefits when he wouldn’t take up a job with Build-A-Bear
  • Lorraine Williams’ 10-year-old daughter being bullied at school and self-harming
  • Karen Wilson cutting her own hair off

Each and every sub-postmaster is telling their own story, but doing so to help everyone who suffered. Over the next month or so we will hear from many more sub-postmasters who will tell a common story of intimidation, deceit, cover up, subterfuge and dehumanising in pursuit of profit.

But each and every account will also be unique at the same time, telling their own unique story of loss, sacrifice and irreparable damage.

These ‘Human Impact’ hearings are setting an appropriate tone for the victims to lead the way in this Inquiry, and quite rightly ensuring the actions of the Post Office are at front and centre of everyone’s thoughts. Keeping that in focus will continue to drive the fight for answers as to who knew what, when and why, so that there can hopefully be some proper accountability at long last.

Despite the Post Office admitting there were 736 convictions of Sub-Postmasters in which Horizon was ‘intrinsic’ to prosecutions – and therefore unsafe – still less than 100 people have had their convictions quashed.

If you were affected by the Post Office Horizon Scandal and are yet to secure justice, call our team today or email [email protected]

Read more: Post Office Horizon Legal Representation

dr neil hudgell hudgell solicitors
Neil Hudgell is Executive Chairman at Hudgell Solicitors specialising in Group Actions, Inquest Solicitors, Inquests & Public Inquiries and Public Inquiry Representation.

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Stories of loss, sacrifice and irreparable damage are highlighting how Post Office dehumanised Sub-postmasters in pursuit of profits

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