Inquest Solicitors
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Inquest for Stephen Port’s victims to be held in 2021

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Dr Neil Hudgell

Executive Chairman

2 min read time
15 Nov 2019

The Old Bailey, London: A pre-inquest review (PIR) has today been held into the deaths of Anthony Walgate, Gabriel Kovari, Daniel Whitworth and Jack Taylor, the four men murdered by serial killer Stephen Port between 2014 and 2015.

Her Honour Judge Sarah Munro QC, sitting as Assistant Coroner for the East London coronial area said that because there was reason to suspect that some of the deaths may have occurred because of the actions of a police officer or police officers, then she will sit with a jury.

The inquest will now commence on Monday 4 January 2021 at the Old Bailey and will be listed for eight weeks.

Neil Hudgell acting for the victims’ families, says: “The families were very pleased to hear the coroner say that she will sit with a jury. It is what they have always wanted. And while any delay to the inquest starting is frustrating for the families, they at least will have the legal team in place that they want and can now look forward with some certainty.”

A further pre-inquest review will be held in February 2020.

At a pre-inquest hearing in July, confirmed that the inquest will be an Article 2 inquest. Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights protects the right to life and imposes obligations upon state bodies, such as the police and health providers to take appropriate steps to safeguard lives.

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Inquest for Stephen Port’s victims to be held in 2021

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