
SOSA image

The injustice of the Lambeth Children’s Homes Redress Scheme Harm’s Way Payment

The Lambeth Children’s Homes Redress Scheme has been up and running since January of this year and was, according to Lambeth Council, put in place to ensure fairness. Regrettably, this is not proving to be the case. It has become clear that there is an obvious injustice in how survivors of abuse are being compensated, […]

3 min read time
Renu and client

Damages paid in Myles Bradbury abuse cases for children and families, but solicitor and parents say lives of some have been ‘destroyed’

Child victims of paedophile doctor Myles Bradbury continue to suffer ‘catastrophic psychological injuries’ – leaving some so damaged they are considered at risk of serious self-harm – a solicitor handling compensation claims says. Bradbury is currently serving a lengthy  jail sentence for abusing 18 victims aged between 10 and 16 over a four-and-a-half year period, […]

4 min read time
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