A recent review of the CICA scheme by the Victim Commissioner, Baroness Newlove “Compensation without re-traumatisation:
The Victims’ Commissioner’s Review into Criminal Injuries Compensation January 2019” highlighted that nearly 60% of victims of violence make an application to the CICA for compensation without specialist help.
More than half of victims that responded to the Victim Commissioner’s survey found it difficult to understand whether they were eligible for criminal injuries compensation (56%) as the scheme has fairly technical grounds for determining eligibility which can often lead to the unexpected rejection of a claim or an offer that appears to be too low.
What should you do if your application is rejected?
Nicola Bailey-Gibbs of Hudgell Solicitors explains:
“You are entitled to request a review of the decision, where the decision is reviewed by another claims officer, however you must act quickly as the CICA have quite strict timescales for requesting a review that must be complied with. At Hudgell Solicitors we have an excellent record on review decisions, in many cases we have succeeded in arguing that the applicant is eligible for an award and on many occasions secured an increased award for the applicant.
“If you do not agree with the review decision then you are entitled to Appeal the decision to the First Tier Tribunal where a panel independent of the CICA will consider your claim. Again, Hudgell Solicitors have an excellent record in taking claims to an Appeal and will support applicants and arrange representation at an Appeal if we feel there are good prospects of challenging the original decision,
“A number of people who have already had their compensation claims rejected have approached us, and we’ve been successful in having the decisions reversed. We have also secured significant increases in applicants’ award by taking them to Appeal.
“If you have been dealing with your application to the CICA yourself and feel you have reached the stage where you need assistance in challenging a review decision or appealing a decision we would be happy to take details with a view to taking your claim on.
“We act on a “no-win, no-fee” basis so you would not pay for our services until and unless your claim is successful.”
For more information, visit: www.cica-criminal-injuries.co.uk
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